Either Male or Female
The meaning of the name Barossa is Muddy
The origin of the name Barossa is Spanish
Notes: Spanish and Portuguese words for muddy. The Barrosa mountain range in western Australia was named by Colonel William Light in 1837 after Barrosa Hill (Cerro de Puerco) in the modern municipality of Chiclana de la Frontera, Spain, to which it he thought it similar. The Spanish location was the site of the Battle of Barrosa and was won by Light's friend Lord Lynedoch in 1811.
People who like the name Barossa also like: Cavan, Creed, Casta, Alawi, Cash, Calder, Carwyn, Aislin, Bienna, Aglaia, Betrys, Chaeli, Bai, Alsatia

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