Either Male or Female
The meaning of the name Aire is Watch Over, Care For
The origin of the name Aire is Irish

From the old Irish aire meaning “act of guarding, watching over, tending, caring for"

Can also mean "Love & Affection" in Japanese kanji, or "My Penis" in Arabic Slang. It is also an English suffix meaning a name or person associated with the word that comes before it, as in "Millionaire." The River Aire is a river in northern England that flows southeast through West Yorkshire.

As a musical term, and air/aire is a genre of solo song that usually was accompanied by the lute.

People who like the name Aire also like: Rhys, Abiel, Silas, Emery, Nakula, Emrys, Malik, Aven, Adora, Nyla, Nayeli, Khaleesi, Bella, Xylia

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